haha nice job, you actually made this song interesting.
haha nice job, you actually made this song interesting.
yeah it's crap thanx
very creative, but i want more!
wow! This stood out of the ordinary to me as it didn't use the average trancey instruments. I really liked this song, but was angered at the same time. I know this can be a lot better.
This song can be seriously souped up. If you managed to get your hands on some better drum samples, added some more effects to this song, you'd have a masterpeice!
Very good work, if you need some new drum samples I could even hook you up.
its like I'm Having sex with female ninjas on a speeding train over a city thats on fire while airplanes are shooting at me!
no seriously you got skills man
Its very diverse and you kept the good use of sound effects constant, and I salute you for that.
"Trying to forget someone"... I didn't feel it was like that. It sounded more like mice crawling through the walls or something. If you want real drama you should throw some grand pianos and accoustic guitars or something of the like in there. The second part was better but it sounded like it was dragging itself along (that what you're going for?).
Not my style, but it is a well made song none the less.
Well, I made it about an old girlfriend that I've pretty much burned out of my mind. I tried to make it sound like a looping happy moment that was getting more cluttered and being burnt away by the end. Thanks for the review!
well you made a remake of doom and I salute you for that. I thought the beat sounded a little constipated. yes, constipated. You can seriously soup this song up if you give it more of a chill beat. It sounded like it was having trouble with itself. but being as how this is heavy metal i guess thats not very reasonable. in which case, i have no idea what i should rate this...
but its still good none the less. I think you could have made it longer.
Thanks for the review man.The damn bass drums aren't coming through the mix well.As far as the length I didn't want to change it very much so I just played it through once.Once again thanks.
Oh and rate it 5/5...(just kidding)
is this the same asura who made the song "raindust" which i heard on winamp radio?
the beat is pretty cool, if you used the usual drum'n'bass type drums and less electronik drums you might have a really good beat going. At least this one doesn't have the bass instrument that 90% of all dnbs use. that made it good automatically. I liked it, but it definately could be a lot better if you tweak around with the drums a little bit longer.
thanks a lot tell ur friends
well it had a couple good parts, the melody wasn't exactly something to behold but you had nice use of sfx. I guess it has to be put into context to get a real feel out of it. overall nicely done, but i don't think its something most people would chill out and listen to by itself.
I demand a full song created from this loop! its calm and under control. Just listening to it i can hear several melodies add on to it such as strings and guitars. It sucks that someone gave you a zero on this. I have some fans who give me 5's, then i have some Antifans who give me zeros. Its annoying. Keep up the good work!
Hey man!
Thanks for the revive. Yea, I've been thinking about making some song from this loop, because myself I the melody/strings/bass/drums are pretty candy for ears.
Only thing that makes me disappointed is that I did actually release this bit too early. The mastering isn't complete (the bass is bit too loud and the balance isn't perfect). And I havn't still realised if it's possible to delete/update these songs that have been posted.
Glad you still liked it ^_^
Ever play castlevania? This has a nice flow, and a nice rythm to it. Its pretty good. The main thing most of the music artists on newgrounds need to do is make better quality music and sounds. By this i mean instruments and things that would trick me into thinking it was an actual symphony playing, as a pose to atari. But i can't quite fault you on this if this is a video game song for flash. Keep up the good work.
No I haven't played Castlevania; am I missing out?
I see your point with sound quality. However, very few people actually have setups with the capability of producing "real" sounds, as the equipment for it is surprisingly expensive, and short of recording a real orchestra, there's little that can be done. Guess we will just have to stick with our sequencing packages :).
Hey everyone, its 2009. If you still check up on my submissions, I'm sorry but you probably won't hear anything new from me ever again (computer problems, lost all hope). If you'd like more of my music that isn't on this site, send me an email and ask!
Age 37, Male
Naval Academy
Northern Virginia
Joined on 11/14/03